Adding Color to your Winterscape

Nothing can make the winter days feel bleaker than a dull winter landscaping. The gray skies and the lack of color in your landscape can all contribute to a feeling of dreariness when you look out the window. You might feel as though your landscape looks nice for three-quarters of the year and then suddenly loses all appeal come winter.


Winter King Hawthorn Tree for Winterscape
Winter King Hawthorn

But it doesn’t have to be that way!


The truth is, there are more ways to add color and interest to your winter landscape than most people realize. Choosing the right plant material can go a long way in brightening things up and creating a winterscape you can actually enjoy.

Here are a few plants and winter landscape ideas to consider.

Bursts of Color for Winter Landscaping

While it’s true that the harsh weather means most plants have died off, there are some unique choices that will still give you pops of color. Winter King Hawthorn, for instance, produces bright red berries all winter long. The bright red berries really pop against a backdrop of crisp white snow.

Another fruit-producing plant that can hang on in the winter months is the flowering crabapple. The Harvest Gold Crabapple tree, for instance, has bright yellow fruit that can easily brighten up a winter landscape. This tree is also noted for attracting colorful birds to create even more interest for your winter scenery.


Witch Hazel Shrub Winterscape
Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel, a flowering shrub with bright yellow flowers, also hangs on to its blooms—even into the late winter. This plant’s long and stringy blooms are quite unique and make a bold statement in the stark of winter when little else is blooming.




Don’t Forget About Bark

While there’s a tendency to believe that fruit and flowers are the best way to add color, trees with interesting bark can also add appeal. For instance, trees that feature “exfoliating bark,” that is, bark that sheds, can really create a unique look within your winter landscape. A great example of this is the Paperbark Maple. As it begins to “peel” it creates a very interesting appearance.

Similarly, River Birch trees also feature unique bark that comes in shades of white, brown, or even black.  This tree also “peels” and adds lots of interest to your landscape.

Evergreens for Year-Round Greenery

Of course, another wise choice for your winter landscape is incorporating plenty of evergreen selections. Appreciated for their year-round beauty, evergreens are an important way to add color. Keep in mind that needled evergreens can come in blue, green, or even yellow shades and therefore can add quite a bit of color to your winter landscape.

In addition to the evergreen trees that you’re likely to think of—Pine, Spruce, and Fir varieties being common ones that likely come to mind—you should also consider some evergreen shrubs for your landscape. For instance, Yews are the most popular evergreens planted in the St. Louis region and also considered the most “ornamental of all needled evergreen shrubs.” They produce fleshy red fruit and are resistant to many diseases and pests, making them a very popular choice.

Choosing Landscapers that Offer Year-Round Color

While there’s a tendency to think of landscaping in terms of the warm weather months, professional landscapers that are used to working with properties where visual appeal is important to know that the winter months matter, too. That’s why it’s so important to choose a landscaping company that values year-round appeal. After all, a beautiful winterscape doesn’t just happen. It takes thoughtful planning and installation by a professional.

At Bluegrass, we know that you don’t want to lose a quarter of the year to a boring landscape that offers no visual interest. That’s why, when planning a landscape, we think about how it will look year round¬—not just three-quarters of the year. If you’re seeking landscaping companies that are winter landscaping ideas to help brighten up your commercial property, then we are ready to guide you. You shouldn’t have to be stuck with a bleak-looking property when there are plenty of ways to make it more visually appealing.