MSD Bio Retention
Bioretention Areas Can Help You Better Manage Stormwater On Your Property
Dirt, oil, and trash that collect in your parking lots and paved areas can be carried by stormwater runoff into a storm sewer and eventually reach local water bodies. As a result, the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District insists that any time parking lots or structures are added to your properties, you must follow best management practices to filter and infiltrate stormwater runoff.
Bioretention areas are great ways to do just that. These depressed landscape features include vegetation and organic soil that provide:
- A growing medium for plants
- A graded filter of sands and gravels below the soil for proper drainage
- A perforated underdrain pipe beneath the filter to ensure the bioretention area will drain properly
- An overflow structure to handle water from larger storms
While bioretention areas are low maintenance by design, they are not no maintenance. And, many times, you can be cited for not properly maintaining these areas. Don’t let this happen to you! We provide bioretention maintenance that includes trash removal, weeding and plant/tree trimming, as well as mulch replacement, soil aeration and plant replacement when necessary. We also handle all of the paperwork! Our certified stormwater best management practices inspection and maintenance professional manages and submits all of the needed inspections and annual reports to the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District for you. We can keep these areas working properly and help you achieve a greener way of doing business.
Let Us Manage Your Bioretention Areas
We can help you properly install and maintain your bioretention areas. Give us a call at 314-770-2828 or use our simple contact form to discuss your sustainability needs.