4 End of Summer Commercial Landscaping Tips

Before we know it, summer will be coming to an end, but that does not mean your landscape should become a mess. Fall and winter are a great time to ensure your landscape is clean and healthy, something that is important for every business’s image. These seasons bring on the perfect opportunity to prepare your business to have beautiful landscaping for the next year. 

When you have great curb appeal, you are showing customers that your business is elite. You will be able to put your property’s beauty on display, showing potential customers about the details. In order to do so, here are four end of the summer tips you can follow for your commercial landscaping.

Time to Prune

As summertime comes to an end, you should think about having your landscaping pruned. Pruning is the process of cutting away the dead, weak, or infected areas of plants or shrubbery. This allows your landscaping to heal the right way and stop any further damage from occurring, making sure it looks even more amazing the following summer. 

Keep in mind that a lot of perennials run the risk of not surviving the winter. This is why pruning is so important for your landscape. When you make it a priority to ensure that your spring and summer perennials are set to recuperate the right way before winter begins, then they will grow back stronger and healthier. 

Inspect Your Hardscapes

Hardscapes consist of the man-made, non-living parts of your landscape. They include things such as walkways, patios, retaining walls, and other landscaping features. 

Many commercial landscapes include a lot of hardscaping features that provide easy access to buildings, entrances, and parking lots. Whereas they are very helpful during the summer and spring months, you need to make sure they are just as efficient during the colder months. 

A good place to start would be to inspect your irrigation system. Make sure it is shut down before winter begins to prevent any unwanted freezes or bursts. If you see any cracks or holes in the pipes, this would be the perfect time to have them replaced or filled in, helping you avoid catastrophic damage to your water systems. 

Planning for snow stockpile areas is another good idea. These areas will clearly hold large quantities of snow, so make sure you plan for them to be in an area where there is a lot of mulch and hardy grass to soak up the moisture and weight. 

Finally, make sure the curbs and sidewalks can be seen easily during the fall and winter. Make use of reflectors, posts, and cones. These items will help stop accidents that your customers could have. Making sure your landscape is visible will also inform contractors where the ideal locations to successfully accommodate debris from snow or leaf removal are. 

Plant Now for Later

It is always a good idea to take advantage of the end of summer by getting next year’s garden planted. To help encourage early and long-lasting floral colors, think about planting spring-flowering bulbs like daffodils, narcissi, and hyacinths, in the fall. This will allow them to bloom early in the spring followed by trees and shrubs. 

By following through with this type of preparation, you will save yourself time in the spring and summer. You will also help your business’ image early on without having to spend a lot of extra time and money on planting perennials during these months. 

Add Seasonal Colors

Fall and winter does not mean your landscape has to look dark and dull. This is a great time to prep your landscape with classic fall and winter perennials that will add color and life to your landscape in their own way. 

One classic fall flower is a chrysanthemum, which provides a lot of color and textures to any landscape. You can also try unusual plants and flowers such as ornamental peppers and kale, which can withstand harsh temperatures while still bringing your landscape to life. 

Lastly, do not forget about traditional berries that can be used during the wintertime. They offer beautiful reds and purples to your landscape and provide food and shelter for animals during the winter. 

Trust Bluegrass Landscape & Snow Management with Your Commercial Landscaping

As a business owner, it is not easy to keep up with your landscaping needs. You know the importance of it and the benefits it provides, but it can become understandably overwhelming. By partnering with a landscaping company such as Bluegrass Landscape & Snow Management, you will be able to make sure your landscaping looks great year-round! Call us today at (314) 770-2828 for a free consultation and to see how we can help you prepare your landscaping for the fall and winter months.