A Resolution for the Environment: BMPs

Something that escapes the notice of many visitors to landscape management businesses is their environmental impact, but as the natural world becomes increasingly threatened by human activities, the environmental consciousness of all businesses, particularly those with such immediate connections to the outdoors, becomes increasingly important. Protecting the environment helps to ensure the environment protects us, and everyone plays a role in making the world a greener and better place. One of the best ways to keep the earth safe is by using BMPs or Best Management Practices.

What are BMPs?

Best Management Practices are a set of strategies established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that are used by businesses, farmers, and property owners to ensure that their activities are not disrupting the local environment in a damaging way. Best Management Practices vary by region and application, but they all have a similar goal. Best Management Practices in the landscaping businesses are very diverse, but some that Bluegrass Lawncare and Snow Management use, to name a few from the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District Stormwater Design (MSD) Handbook include, using native plants, soil testing and fertilization, and bio retention.

Better Management in Practice

Some BMPs sound like fancy jargon and seem to require a large time investment, but many are straightforward, and they can make a huge impact on keeping the local environment safe and green for everything and everyone that relies on it. Most of the ones related to Landcare are also interconnected with stormwater management to control sedimentation and chemical pollution such as adding ground cover to prevent erosion and testing soil before treating to ensure there are no excess chemicals.

One BMP that you may be unfamiliar with is Bioretention as described by the MSD. Bioretention areas are locations within your landscape that are specifically created for the purpose of mitigating storm runoff issues. These are areas constructed with fine loamy soil and plants that can handle extremes to allow form maximum drainage when there is low storm runoff and maximum absorption when storm runoff levels are higher. These bioretention areas not only look great on your landscape, but they also protect the local wildlife from having overly sedimented or fertilizer rich streams. 

How Can I Stay Environmentally Conscious?

Staying environmentally conscious takes some doing, but it can be accomplished by taking little steps to help keep the earth green. Oftentimes you hear about recycling more, taking shorter showers, and going on bike rides instead of long car travels when you can. When everyone does each of these little things, it really adds up for the environment. In the same way, when landscaping businesses, and the people using their services work together to ensure they are making responsible use of the environment, the local wildlife will surely benefit, and the outdoors will remain a safe and enjoyable place for all who inhabit it.

Final Thoughts

Being in St. Louis means being part of the mission to use BMPs in our landscaping as per the guidelines listed by the MSD. We take pride in being able to support the environment with responsible practices. If you have questions about sustainably maintaining your landscape, removing snow and ice, or creating a new environmentally friendly landscape, contact Bluegrass Lawncare and Snow Management today!