Your St. Louis Snow Removal Service

We all know some of the harsh elements that winter can bring to your property in Missouri as the temperatures start to drop, occasionally wrapping our land in a colorless blanket of white snow, or worse, throwing sheets of slick ice on walkways, drive ways, and parking pads. Not only is the collected snow and ice an inconvenience for property managers and building owners, it can be hazardous for visiting patrons and costly for businesses if left untreated.

Snow RemovalIt may only be August, but now is the best time to get your snow removal services set up! Treating commercial properties for snow and ice maintenance requires planning and specialized
approaches for individual properties and it’s important to have the best snow removal company taking care of your business. At Bluegrass, we are proud to be one of the most respected and top ranked snow removal services serving the Metro St. Louis area for over 30 years.

What makes us stand out:

Well Maintained Equipment

It’s important that your snow removal company comes equipped with equipment that gets the job done. That’s why some we use heavy duty equipment and products that includes:

  • Arctic sectional snow pushers to clear your lot faster and cleaner during the toughest snow and ice conditions by getting down to the bare pavement, requiring less salt to be applied and saving you moneySnow Removal - Ice-B-Gone-Magic
  • 50 plus skid loaders to get in the nooks and crannies where it’s difficult or impossible to get anything bigger. Their compact design enables them to work around quicker and more efficiently around light poles and medians than a plow truck.
  • 100 plus heavy-duty plow trucks.
  • High performance, environmentally friendly deicing products, such as Ice-B’Gone Magic, that works longer at lower temperatures, saving you time, money, and common damage associated with winter.

Our products  and equipment provide you and your property with a long list of benefits that saves you time, money and heartache.

Personalized Service

We keep a watchful eye on weather predictions and conditions utilizing billing based on the National Weather Service reports so you don’t have to stress about the heavy snow and layers of ice ahead. We also provide you with a 24-hour snow hotline so you can contact us any time day or night for any questions or concerns you may have about your property during the harshest of weather climates. To make things easier, we plan accordingly by utilizing satellite salt depots stationed throughout the St. Louis areas enabling tight routing.

Don’t wait until it’s the dead of winter during peak snow removal season to schedule your snow maintenance services! To keep your business up and running during the winter, give our professional snow removal service a call today to set up your snow maintenance package at 314.770.2828 or simply fill out our simple online contact us form.