Seasonal Planting Guide: Cultivating a Vibrant Landscape Year-Round

Your summer landscape is the pride of the community, but in winter, everything turns brown. How can you emphasize the beauty of your landscape in every season? Permanent fixtures in your landscape likely include hardscape elements like rocks and retaining walls. Even trees can be considered semi-permanent. But there are a lot of plants that only grow for one season, and these elements can be rotated throughout the year to provide pops of color in every corner. Adapting to the seasons with your planting and keeping your landscape healthy will ensure your landscape remains beautiful no matter the season.

Landscape Goals

The ideal landscape for a commercial property is functionally aesthetic. Landscapes draw people in and create an inviting environment. You should absolutely invest in creating a landscape that is beautiful all year round, not just the one that looks great in the summer. A well-manicured and up-to-date landscape signals your dedication to customer satisfaction and attention to detail.

Some features of a landscape rarely change, but the beauty of adaptive landscaping is that seasonal plants can be swapped out to accommodate changing weather and provide variety in the visual experience. Additionally, seasonal plans don’t have to be foreign ornamental creations; there’s plenty of beauty in the area already and utilizing the beauty of native plants can increase your landscape’s resilience against even the harshest local conditions.

Adapting to the Seasons

Seasons make life in the temperate zone very exciting. Variety is the spice of life, and adapting to the changing seasons can spice up your landscape perfectly. Here are some plants for each season that may benefit your landscape.


The Fall season is when things start cooling down and summer plants may start to fade. To bring color back to your landscape, you should consider planting vibrant flowers such as Sunflowers, Pansies, and Petunias. In addition to floral elements, ensuring there are both deciduous and evergreen elements in your landscape can help embrace the beauty of fall while ensuring your landscape doesn’t look bare in the winter.


Winter is one of the most challenging months for landscaping as many plants are not resilient to the cold. However, for some color, Mums, Celosia, and Decorative Kale can be planted alongside evergreen elements such as pines, fir, and holly to keep your landscape green and vibrant.


Spring is when the birds start singing again and everything turns green. Some early pops of color include Tulips, Sweet Potato Vine, and Native Wildflowers. Embracing the fast-growing season can help keep your landscape beautiful and dynamic.


In summer, landscaping slows down a bit because the weather is hot and dry. However, Marigolds, Portulaca, and Begonias tend to fare well with the summer heat and remain vibrant throughout the season.

Final Thoughts

Seasonal planting will allow you to cultivate a vibrant landscape year-round. While all the planting, maintenance, and timing may seem like a lot of details to manage on your own, enlisting the help of a professional commercial landscape service will save time and money in the long run. Additionally, these services have countless hours of expertise and know-how to get the job done right. If you are looking for solutions to seasonal landscape management for your commercial property, contact Bluegrass Landscape & Snow Management!