Why is sustainability important?

Written by: Shonda Lucks

Sustainability is important to make sure that we have and will continue to have the water, materials, and resources to protect human health and our environment”    EPA

Is sustainability important to you?

I could stop this blog right there and say no more. You could read that sentence only and really ponder, meditate, think or Selah on it for a minute. JustSustainability 2 research the number of streams, creeks and rivers in the St. Louis area and Missouri that are struggling with contamination.  You will be amazed. As I mentioned in an earlier post, “What is sustainability?”, we already live far beyond the earth’s capacity to support us as humans. If this was our lively hood, our food pantry, our check book the answer would be easy right? Re-prioritize. Where can I use less and where do I need to focus more. That is as simple as it gets folks. We have got to start seeing our “earth”, community, city, state, country, and planet as a resource we withdraw from 24 hours a day 7 days a week. It is always on call and working to give to us and we gladly take it. With all the research we have today we are informed with the fact that we are over using our resource, Planet Earth….Missouri.  Environmental sustainability is our way of slowing down and even stopping the withdraws from our environment and begin to develop the process of depositing a return for the future. We can call this our planet 401K or land investment. It’s as simple as a global budget cut.  Our land, water and material  is being used faster than it can rebuild or replenish itself.  We have to help slow things down and give back what our land needs. We want to help educate you on how to incorporate Native plantings, reduced pesticides, cleaner storm water runoff and reducing the energy you use.

Need A Greener Way Of Doing Business?

We can help you embrace sustainability and LEED certification. Give us a call at 314-770-2828 or use our simple contact form to discuss your sustainability needs.



About sustainability. (n.d.). Retrieved from Missouri Botanical Garden: http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/sustainability/sustainability/about-sustainability.aspx

Reduce Water Pollution. (n.d.). Retrieved from Deer Creek Watershed Alliance: http://www.deercreekalliance.org/pollution

Sustainability. (n.d.). Retrieved from EPA: http://www.epa.gov/sustainability/basicinfo.htm