Blog | Bluegrass Landscape & Snow Management

It is not uncommon for the winter months to be long, cold, and snowy in the Midwest. A large snow or ice storm can have a major impact on any business. That’s why it is very important to make sure your parking lots, driveways, and sidewalks are properly cleared so customers, employees, and tenants can … Continued

As winter weather is approaching, business owners are beginning to think about all the challenges it brings. Many businesses, such as offices and stores, are planning on ways to keep their customers from slipping and getting hurt. However, hospitals have to think beyond that. They need to make sure their parking lots, sidewalks, and entryways … Continued

Owning a commercial property can be overwhelming altogether. There are a lot of responsibilities owners must deal with, snow removal being one of them. The Midwest weather can bring on many challenges when it comes to snow removal, such as dealing with some areas that get multiple feet of snow.  When you do not put … Continued

Curb appeal is an important part of any commercial and industrial company’s design. However, landscaping goes even further than just attractive green areas. For a business, the landscape design needs to include safety, accessibility, and environmental considerations.  How Important is Landscaping for Your Commercial Property? Every business owner wants their property to appear well cared … Continued

You might have seen fascinating concrete walls bordering office buildings, financial institutions, medical buildings, or other locations. Although they are aesthetically pleasing to look at, they are not there just for show. These walls are called retaining walls and are crucial in protecting the landscape around it. They also offer a connection between your building … Continued

Many people love to garden, including senior citizens. There is something about it that brings peace and tranquility. Zen Gardens in senior housing communities bring a sense of calmness for seniors that no prescription can provide. Benefits of Zen Gardens for Seniors Zen Gardens provide a multitude of benefits for senior citizens, including the following: … Continued

If you are new to landscaping, you might be asking yourself, “What is hardscaping?” Hardscaping is very popular among both residential and commercial properties. It involves incorporating structural elements and features into a landscape design. These features include paths, benches, small bridges, patios, and paved areas. The different types of materials used include wood, stone, … Continued

Keeping up with your commercial landscaping and making sure it is aesthetically pleasing gives you the opportunity to help beautify the neighborhood and satisfy current clients. It is also a great way to catch the eye of potential customers.  There are a variety of landscaping trends for commercial properties that provide different styles and features … Continued

Landscaping can be a daunting task, which is why it is considered a widely overlooked aspect of business operations. However, the way your business is viewed from the outside can have a major impact on whether customers choose to visit your location.  As a business owner, you want the outside appearance of your building to … Continued

Fall is right around the corner, and with that comes a chill in the air and an exciting sense of change. Many people welcome the fall season with a warm embrace. It is a beautiful time of year that brings lovely fall colors that can be found through different plants.  With a little bit of … Continued